Monday, April 16, 2012

What to do?

Baby showers bring back special, sweet memories:  baby belly squirms, anticipation, and hospital plans.  I had no idea what lay ahead as I carried my firstborn inside my bulging belly.  With each subsequent baby, I learned more of what I did not know. 
I have the privilege of joining other friends in celebrating a little one due to arrive in a few months.  Her mother is a first-time mommy who has looked forward to her new role with both excitement and apprehension.  This is all new territory for her even though her 9-5 job is a teacher in a preschool. 
My challenge: to find a gift.  There is a registry, but is that the way I want to go?  It would definitely be easier.  Do I go a more personal route?  How about something for the mom?  I don’t know.  Babies really don’t need much.  Thankfully.  Maybe I will go for something for when the little one gets bigger. 
Oh my!  I better get a move on.  Something will have to catch my eye.  I realize that you truthfully don’t care.  I just thought I would share. 

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