Saturday, April 28, 2012

5 Minute Friday

I sat at dinner with my sweetie, without the children, enjoying a messy helping of barbeque ribs.  He looked up at me and asked intentionally how I was enjoying this conference online.  I jumped at the chance to share what I was learning about community.
To be honest, I have not done community well.  I have been desperate for friendship many times.  Often, I am put into a mentor role, which I enjoy, but it leaves me feeling there is a void.  I am learning there is so much more to community. 
Friendships are a gift.  I wish I was a better friend. 


Meg D. @ Postcards from the Promised Land said...

Hopped over from the Gypsy Mama link-up. I love the look of your blog and your honesty!

Emily said...

I'm right there with you, sister. It's hard to find community when you're expected to be leading others to it. Sometimes we need to be led. Thanks for keeping it Real!