Friday, June 11, 2010

Novel Idea

These sneakers (and no they are not called tennis shoes in my neck of the woods) usually fit the bill for sweats and a t-shirt on a no fuss day. Today, I decided to actually use them for exercise rather than accessories.

My sweetie threw out the idea to me that we pack a picnic dinner, pile the kids in the van, and proceed to a nearby park. We did and enjoyed an evening of burgers, baseball, and bikes. After I sat for a while looking at many others walking, skating, running, and biking, I decided it was high time I got my rear end in gear. And so I did. It was only a mile, but it was something. Now the goal is to do this more than rarely or when the moment feels good. We all know how that works.

In the past, I have been much more diligent in exercise and good nutrition. I can encourage my kids really well. I mean fruits and veggies are a common snack for them. In the area of exercise, this morning my little man and angel ran 1 ½ miles. At the park, my little man roller bladed and my little one biked for miles around the track. Somehow, they get it, but I seem to sit complacently, happy to let everyone else sweat a bit. What's wrong with that picture? I know the answer in my head, but I struggle with getting it to my feet.

I hope in writing this, I can kick myself in gear a bit.

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