Tuesday, June 15, 2010


holy experience

In doing this post regularly, I found that I think more purposely throughout the week about what I am thankful for. To be honest, there are days that I just don't want to be have a grateful heart. I want to be grumpy and think quite negatively. Not a good thing, my friends. Other days, though, overflow with God sightings and praise for what He is doing so obviously in my life and in the lives of those around me.


Join me in a heart of gratitude . . .

For children excited about new socks

For the truth that I am not out of the reach of God's long arm

For a pastor who is not afraid to laugh

For time to read and a mountain of books from which to choose

For clouds that look like ducks, and elephants, and cozy blankets

For trophies half the size of my son (or so it seems)

For freshly brewed iced tea

For clubhouses and sleep-overs

For the smell of fresh paint on windows

For the completion of a mountain of paperwork and endless meetings in our foster/adopt process

For the truth that God wants to answer my prayers

For childhood imaginations



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