Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Way Too Late

I should be in bed. I will admit. Somehow I am finding myself on my computer while watching Fox News after Palin gave her speech. I have to say that I am impressed. It is kind of strange to think that a woman has a great chance of being the VP. She appears to be gifted and good for our country. My oldest daughter was asking my opinion of her. I am convinced that a woman has the privilege in our country to do or be anything that she wants to. God can use women in amazing ways. I think that Sarah Palin has great abilities and talents that can be used in our country. However, I believe that she has set aside the greatest job in the world - that of a mother. Now don't get mad and call me eccentric or idealistic. She will always be a mother. I just don't see how one can run her family and run her country at the same time, however, many women do both family and career. I can't imagine having a baby and then five months later be in the race for VP. I honestly feel sorry for her in that she is missing out. That said, I do believe that she is the best choice at the moment. Enough said. I am not sure this is very coherent. 5:45am will come too quickly. Good night.

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