Friday, June 26, 2015

Moments of Sanity

There are moments that God strategically places in my day that remind me that I have not completely lost it.  You know those times when you say to yourself, "I just might make it through this day." I call these moments of sanity.
Being able to pour AND drink a second cup of coffee ranks pretty high on that list.  
We pulled out a stack of books earlier,  sat on the floor, and enjoyed some sing-songy picture books - the kind that make you sway and giggle.  I love to read to kids.
The sink is clean, and the laundry baskets are empty.  Mind you, that will not last for long, but remember, these are MOMENTS of sanity.
Maddie and Kyle are playing without fussing, and their play involves music, costumes, and creativity.  These two may survive middle school together.  
Anna, Sawyer, and Reagan may be playing with a live cricket in the basment, but they are not breaking anything or screaming at each other.  For now.  Moments, friends.

I am smiling at these gifts of moments.  I complain too often, and my days often turn into a struggle.  Today may have some bumps in the road, but that is okay.  

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