Monday, October 7, 2013

Another Anniversary

I miss her.  I picture her with brown curly hair, though I am not sure why.  I think she dances like a princess waving her arms without a care.  She sings beautifully as if her heart can hold no more that it overflows with joy.  I imagine she has found her brother and plays hide and seek in the mansion and plays hopscotch on the golden streets.  There are grandmas' laps to climb on and pop-pops to carry her high enough to soak in all the wonder she possibly could.  And she knows Jesus.  That was who she saw first.  Before her mommy and daddy held her she was in the arms of her creator.  She saw no sin.  She feels no pain.  It seems like a forever until I get to meet my daughter, but time stands still for her.  I wonder if she will know who I am.  Does she know how much I love her?  Does she know her other brothers and sisters will see her some day too?  I miss you, Julia Eryn.  

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