Wednesday, August 28, 2013

James 1:19

Four year old little boys live a great life, at least in their own eyes.  They think they have supreme rule, can eat whatever and whenever they want, can go anywhere without permission, can say and do whatever they want to whomever they want.  That said, living that way is not conducive to family life and is contrary to God’s rules. 
God’s Word challenged me again this morning.  James 1:19 says that “every person should be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.”  I wrote the powerful words on the chalkboard, and shared them with my kids.  I stood eye level with my four year old in particular, placing my arm around his middle, and put myself in the verse as we shared truth.  I mess up a lot.  I am slow to hear, quick to speak, and quick to anger.  He and I needed to keep our hearts in check.  This verse was going to change our day.  At least that was the plan. 
My little guy struggles daily.  His impulsive behavior gets him in trouble on a regular basis.  Life happens around him about which he has no control.  He thinks.  He struggles.  He reacts.  We use outside help to work through his life as a four year old.  Today, I was reminded how powerful God’s Word is in changing hearts.  It is not that other counseling techniques are ineffective, but that God trumps all else. 
We did not have a perfect day.  There are sinners living in my home, of which I am one.  Yet, as I reiterated God’s truth in such simple words, the kids were able to put it to memory and therefore take it to heart.  Truth made a difference in our home today.  My little guy had more smiles, practiced more self control, reacted less and responded more, and generally had a better day. 
God’s truth is relevant to us.  It works for kids as well as adults.  His words redirect behavior, rework thinking, and change hearts.  I continue to pray that my little guy will understand at a young age how this truth is imperative to his life. 
Our theme for our school year is based on the power of words.   God’s words cannot hold more power than that of life giving and life changing. 

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