Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Unseen Footprints

Psalm 77:19 “Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen.”
Every stage in life brings you to a crisis of faith; whom do you marry, what job do you take, should you move, what kind of parent will you be.  The list is endless.  Our story is no different than many others.  These past few years have felt like quite the storm.  In a sense, God has led us into the sea and great waters.  It has been scary.  I have questioned his leading.  Our faith has been challenged.  I have been forced to trust his heart.  As we see today, we are not standing on the other side yet.  We wonder how long the path is. 
Yet, God is true to his word.  At no time has He walked away from me.  In many ways I have seen his hand all over our family, but often I would have liked to have seen his footprints beside me.  Satan wants me to feel alone.  He has been working very hard to make me believe that.  God in his perfect timing showed me this gem to remind me that even when I cannot see the footprints, God is there with me THROUGH the sea and great waters.  He did not choose to go around or even avoid it.  There is something greater on the other side. 
Believe me.  I really wish I could see those footprints to remind me that I am on the right path, but for today I am going to rest on the power of the unseen. 

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