Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Over ten years ago, God led my sweetie and me to take a step of faith and begin a law practice in our home. Being self-employed comes with its own risks, sense of adventure, and feelings of fear. It also allows more time as a family, more chances for my sweetie to coach our kids' teams, and flexible vacation days. I would not trade it for anything. For a large majority of the time, my sweetie made his office in our home. As the kids grew and the firm grew, God led my sweetie to another Christian with whom he partnered and now they have office space close to our home.

I consider being able to stay home and educate our kids one of the biggest blessings of this adventure. Many wives have had to work outside the home as a new business is getting off the ground. God has chosen to bless us in that I have worked as a substitute teacher a grand total of two months.

Money can get tight when you don't draw a regular paycheck and all the expenses of the business fall on your shoulders, especially in this economy. God continues to teach us how to be more responsible and resourceful with what He has given us. Keeping this in mind fosters a more grateful heart when God chooses to bless with some perks in the business.

For example, my sweetie came home with boxes of delicious chocolates today. They were a gift from a radio station on which his firm advertises weekly. This same station has provided car show tickets for my son to enjoy with some friends. Friday, I don't have to cook because a client is inviting all of us to his pizza shop for dinner. Again, the kids are thrilled. The last time we were there, we were treated to canolis after dinner. This was a first for the kids. (Where have we gone wrong that we live near South Philly and the kids didn't know what a canoli was?). Another perk is a huge time saver for me. My sweetie and little man get their haircuts free from a local barber who is also a client.

The firms where my sweetie worked made it difficult to keep family, church, and work in the proper priority, but the decision to be self-employed was neither easy nor quick. God had to practically hit us over the head. Over the years, He affirms to us that we are right where He wants us. The blessings both large and small that blanket our family provide comfort for when life gets scary and difficult.

I am very proud of my sweetie for the hard work and heart that he pours into his business. His job is not easy and he deals with difficult people with difficult lives. God is using him to impact others, though.

Becoming self-employed was one of the scariest, blessing filled, faith step of our lives. We are still walking by faith.