Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Marching On

Doctors' appointments, foot surgery, and meetings, oh my!

Suddenly everything has seemed to go into high gear. Not that January and February were quiet months. My March calendar is getting crazy. I'm thinking that is a good thing on one front. Being busy keeps my mind focused on the task at hand. As a home educator and household manager, I have a job to do.

Whoever said that being a stay at home mom was boring and unfulfilling needs to spend a week in my home! I am so thankful that I can be at home with my kids. Taking care of my family is a huge responsibility that I don't take lightly. It just seems that it has been heavy on the logistics management lately.

So much is going on that I will share later. I was telling my sweetie last night that it is amazing to see the fingerprints of God on our life even when things get tough. We are excited to see what He has in store for our family.

In the meantime, I just need to keep things going in the right direction at home – hopefully.

Keep marching.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

It is a busy life, but I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything! Can't wait to read more about God's handiwork in your life. You sound very upbeat in this post, and it's good to hear it!