Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Special Date

A date means many things to different people.  Some view it as a conquest while others something to be feared.  Many view a date as serious as a contract while others just like to share a moment and develop a friendship.  Having been married for almost 23 years, I view a date as spending time with my best friend, the love of my life. 
Tonight my sweet husband brought our 4yo along.  You may wonder how that is romantic.  Picture this. 
My son came down the stairs, freshly bathed after a haircut.  His tie, borrowed from his big brother, hung just a bit too long, but that is no matter.  He looked so sharp dressed for an evening out to the bookstore.  I was told that Dad and he had to make a stop, so I would have to meet them there. 
Before long, my little guy turned the corner into the café carrying a bouquet of flowers.  His smile and confidence filled the room.  I could not help but smother him in compliments and hugs.  Then Daddy instructed him how to ask me what I wanted to drink.  They both took off to the counter where my little man made sure that they all saw his tie. 
It was a good date with two men that I love dearly.  The chocolate covered face of my little guy and the wipes that my sweetie brought with him kept things real. 
We ended our date in the kid section sharing information about different Thomas trains.  We talked about heroes and cars and paint and snow. 
This was no ordinary date.  It was love in motion.  It was moments of learning and laughing, smiling and sweets.  These moments are not planned, but they are also not accidental. 
My husband used this time to spend with our 4yo to show him how to be a hero and love others.  My little guy took the time with Angel to look good.  My hubby made the effort to pick up the flowers with our son.  He showed him how to be a good date. 
Four year olds do not naturally think of anyone much more than themselves.  Learning how to break out of a selfish mold and soften your heart toward others takes effort.  I am thankful for my sweet hubby who by example shows our boys what it means to love a woman, their mom.  My date tonight was another building block added to the steps of maturity for our son. 

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