Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Today’s Unexpected Blessings

I adore my large family. My kids thrill me, challenge me, tire me, and love me unconditionally. As children increased in our home, individual time decreased. That is not necessarily a bad thing. We love time together. There is usually someway to play with. Discussion is always prevalent. Boredom is not an acceptable excuse. Yet, those times when I share time with only one child provide precious moments of personal conversation and insightful observations. Today was one of those days.

My princess is a gifted artist and wants to spend more time developing her skill. I spent some time with her at AC Moore browsing and talking about artsy stuff. We had fun checking out paints and brushes. We looked at canvases and other crafts. Most importantly we had time together just talking.

Angel is an athlete. Her favorite store is Dicks Sporting Goods, and they have great after Christmas sales. So . . . off we went, just the two of us, Christmas money in hand. She found a really cool running shirt, and I found a great deal for her running shoes. I am thankful for her healthy attitude regarding fitness. Time to share one on one is precious as college comes closer, faster.

My little one and I headed to the bookstore, one of our favorite haunts. She piled her arms with books, and we set our sites for a table at the café. Rachel (the barista who knows my order when I arrive) served my Venti Earl Grey and a chocolate chip cookie, and we settled in for a sweet treat and some reading. My little one wowed me as she read a Cinderella Christmas book. Of course, the book was 50% off so I HAD TO buy it. I enjoyed chatting with my 1st grader. I am amazed at her thought process. I cherish the time to listen to only her.

My little man and I ventured out after dinner to McDonalds. He chose a milkshake. I chose something warm – a mocha. We had fun with his new camera taking silly pictures. We chatted about a song he just wrote. (I may write about that later.) We just hung out together.

Normally, my sweetie and I catch a date night once a week, usually Monday or Tuesday. We are staying in tonight as the Eagles are playing on Tuesday Night Football. Crazy, I know. But, hey, you won't see that too often. As I have consumed a significant amount of caffeine today, staying away from the bookstore tonight is probably a good thing so I will be able to sleep later. I rarely give up an opportunity to go out with my sweetie, but tonight is probably best spent cuddled up on the couch.

I love spending time with my family. I did not plan today until today. I knew before the Christmas break that I wanted to spend some special time with my kids. Fostering our two babies has required sacrifice from each member of our family. We would not have it any other way. However, I knew I needed to make sure that the connection with each of my children was not lost in the opportunity to minister to someone else.

God is good. I am thankful for the chance to see my kids again today in new ways.

1 comment:

Bionic Bud said...

McDonald's was so awesome. The Chocolate milkshake was also.