Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gratitude – It’s been a long time

holy experience

I spent this past week busily painting a bedroom during the day and teaching vacation Bible school during the evening. What little time left vacant quickly filled up with dishes, laundry, and sleep. Writing seems to have gone by the wayside unfortunately. As if our life was not busy enough, it has definitely sped up with excitement and anticipation of great things.

Teaching, especially to kids, warms my heart and challenges me. This week, vacation Bible school gave me yet another opportunity to teach. The theme was the importance of God's Word and how it shows His amazing love for us. How awesome to present those truths to young hearts eager to listen. We also spent a great deal of time looking at our lives and seeing God work all around us. In every detail of the mosaic we call life, God works his plan and design.

For those of you who teach, you will know that learning is a huge part of that process. I taught multiple times each evening that God cares about every detail of our lives, both the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. Right now, my emotions are all over the map. I need to be reminded that God is here all the time and that His Word is true, comforting, surprising, life-changing, and for everyone.

God is working in our home. If you have read for very long, you will know that God has placed a desire in our hearts to foster additional children with the plan to adopt two. As we stand now, we are approved, our home has passed inspection, and we are waiting for our first placement. In the meantime, a few rooms are getting a makeover. This is the fastest our family has ever had any home projects completed J.

Our journey into foster care will come with both heartache and joy. We will be learning as we go and teaching along the way. Our kids are going to be growing in both giving and receiving. My heart grieves for those families whose lives are interrupted by alcohol, drugs, and abuse, but I am grateful to my Lord for giving me the opportunity to somehow in some small way make a difference if only in the life of one child. Thank you, God, for your Word and work in our lives.

#117 - 138

God's unconditional love

God's Word that changes my life

Bible school songs

An auditorium of children singing about God

Air conditioning

Air conditioning repairmen

Safety on the roads for my sweetie and angel

Soccer camps

Iced tea

Purple paint

My mom (and dad) who paint at MY house

My sweetie painting despite the pain in his shoulder

A smooth and incident free state home inspection

Anticipation of the future

Smell of brownies


Dinners provided at VBS for the workers

Free e-books

Fresh veggies from my daughter's garden

Christian camps

Summer fruit

Pool parties on a hot day