Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Letter for the Day is . . .

School starts this week. In the celebration of the season, I thought that a swing back to the basics was a good thing. Let's start with the letter "F".

New beginnings prompt thoughts of past blessings and hurdles. Please humor me as I look back and recount some things that prick my heart and mind.

F – Friendships have been rekindled and new friendships born.

F – Finding a new church has been both a challenge and blessing.

F – Family is the center of the ministry that God has given me.

F – Fun times are everywhere if I look for them and don't let life interfere.

F – Forgetting to spend time in God's Word daily only leads to frustration as I try to lead life on my own.

F – Filling my kids school day with work just to finish a book is not necessarily a good thing.

These are just a few things going through my head lately.

I am excited to begin the routine of school, but I hope it is anything but routine. I want to see God work in a unique way this year within my family. I am not sure what that means. I do know that I can't be the one to get in the way. God works in different ways in different families. It is exciting to know that He has it all planned out for each of us.

Whether your kids are home with you or are in a traditional school, I trust that you will be as involved as you can. Be excited to see what God can do in and through you.

I watch with great anticipation.

1 comment:

He & Me + 3 said...

Love your list. So true is the forgetting to spend time in God's Word daily only lead to frustration. So true & yet sometimes I still forget. Ugh